There are no planned presentations due to family, age, and health factors. . I will consider speaking if invited. The considerations will include time, distance, and audience. . PRESENTED: . . Forty-five tourists viewed the Viking Waterway evidence from Lake Park MN to Alexandria, MN. Preparation for the tour booklet resulted in the discovery of ??? more possible man-modified terrain features including: a large jetty, two dams, three dikes, a 1.2 mile straight channel, a 0.4 straight channel, a 4 mile portage area, a harbor beside the dikes, and the remains of three modified lakes. . During the morning of the tour in progress, local residents recognized an even more ancient jetty and four stones with holes that identified an ancient meeting place or headquarters of the Vikings. . July 16 2013 Wynland of West, Detroit Lakes Community Ed. . May 3&4, 2013 Norway Day at San Francisco: . The Norway day crew showed the Viking Waterway Map, to run the Viking Visitors Video, and to passed out Viking-Lenape information.
. The NEW PARADIGM . The Viking Visitors to North America was viewed. . Vikings were in northeastern America by 1,000 AD. The Vikings called themselves Lenape. Lenape were still in western Minnesota in 1362. The Lenape migrated through northeast America 1350-1585. The Lenape and 25 other Christian tribes are still here. . May 5&6, Norway Day SFO . The focus of the Norway day was to show the Wynland of West developments. We visited with an interested group of Norwegians. We were encouraged by a number of people, who told us how they enjoyed reading the Frozen Trail books. . .We got several "Keep up the good work" statements. But, alas, we concluded that our age and transportation complications meant that we should not plan to return next year. . The Norwegian Club of San Francisco accepted our displays . March 29, 2012. Kean University, NJ, History of American Indians class, Dr. Esposito, + 15 students. Two hour presentation. Paradigm PowerPoint plus full Thomas E. Lee Video. Interested students, Three came up to shake my hand. . Students now have the paradigm shift PowerPoint + script, Frozen Trail to Merica (FTM) manuscripts, and Reider T. Sherwin's the Viking and the Red Man on flash drives. This information may be copied from students their interested friends. All the students have the Lenape Migration route map with the evolved tribes on the back. . The Kean history department has the FTM books and will receive an annual subscription of the Ancient American Magazine (AAM). The five lead articles in the March issue of AAM have authors from four different North Atlantic countries [Norway, Iceland, Canada and USA. Their articles describe supporting evidence [Copper Trade, Shelters, Cairns, Norse artifacts] and testimony [Greenlanders' and Erik's sagas and other Norse information including Icelandic sources] for the Lenape Migration and the Paradigm Shift. |
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ROUTE OF LENAPE MIGRATION LENAPE means to " abide with the pure. " The word "Lenape" was first used 880...
The Wynland of West short course is an opportunity to update your understanding of NORSE in the Red River Valley. The short course is a ...
As the Frozen Trail web site and the Lenape Migration Blog developed, other researchers would ask, "What do the Americans (Indians) have to say about your research?"
My response usually is, "EurAmerican suppression of EurAmerican history is an Euramerican problem."
But, fortunately, Americans have contributed written words, money, and effort to further the development of the web site, Blog and the Paradigm Shift Blog. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
Now here is another statement by an American that puts a large stamp of approval on the Lenape Migration.
when the invaders came to America, they were met by NORSE CHRISTIANS, who called themselves LENAPE, SHAWNEE, BLACK FOOT, CHEYENNE, MIAMIE, MOHICAN and about twenty other names,
the arrogant invaders, who carried weapons to kill humans, profoundly distorted the EurAmerican history of America by causing devastation first and NOT asking questions later.
the Maalan Aarum (a.k.a) is the oldest American history. Unlike most Early American History books written by people with the Eurocentric Paradigm, the Maalan Aarum gives an accurate account of past events.
Gene Park U.S. Navy Ret.
BS. Bible, Thg. Theology
Ret: Clark State Community College.
"I am of Shawnee decent, Pekowi or Piqua division. [I] have been working with the Piqua Shawnee Project on Family Tree ( for about six or so years.
"It is a closed project, however folks can have FTDNA put y-DNA into it by calling FTDNA. We desire only those of Shawnee decent, however other folks of [American] decent would be welcome.
"I do have a few words concerning your research and facts that I have observed in our research.
"Beyond a shadow of doubt, we have observed many migration patterns of the ancient Shawnee people and other tribes. It is fact that on the northern route into the United States, the Norse people mixed with [American] peoples. (I.e. Inuit) and that is 98.7 percent fact, confirmed by y-DNA.
"One other factor that crossed my mind is the division of tribes and speech during the confusion of tongues and dispersion of the people at the tower of Babel as recorded in the bible.
"To add to authority and truth of the scripture, after the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed and the children of Israel were scattered all over the world.
The new nation of Israel, which exists today, [has] wanted to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
"However all the priests and workers had been scattered to all four directions over the earth. To reestablish the temple the priest had to be of the same family as in the days of old. So came, during our time and just a few years ago, the Cohen Project at Family Tree and guess what, to the best of my knowledge, they have located these families and stand ready to rebuild when the time comes.
"So Myron, DNA located all these families with 98.7 percent data exactly correct.
"Again Myron, I know you are on the right track with your American data and [I] commend you for your hard work."
Do YOU believe in the suppression of history?
TAG! YOU are it. Do Something!
Do YOU believe in the suppression of history?
TAG! YOU are it. Do Something!
Email from Myron to Tom (Norway)
January 9, 2012 5:06:43 PM PST
This is a 1979 film, It may have been started about the time the Canadian Archaeology academics were forcing Thomas E, Lee out of their professional associations. He was already printing his own "Anthropological Journal of Canada" so he could publish. I judge this film to be archaeologically honest about the knowledge in 1979. Notice that the accepted view is now that the Norse came only to Lanse Aux Meadows. The Eurocentric paradigm says they could not stand living there and left after a few years.
That paradigm, which says that only a few Norse came and want, saves the Eurocentric Paradigm. According to that paradigm there were no Norse, let alone millions of Christian Norse, when the English devastated North America. Just would not appear popular today if our English ancestors killed millions of Christian Norse people to be able to invite the germans, and the rest of Europe, to come in and farm.
Lee's two publications of 1966 and 1970 were far too threatening to those people trying to deny Norse presence in North America. Archaeology professionals still want to maintain the myth that America was a pristine wilderness with only a few natives, who were pagans.
The Eurocentric academic professors do not know how to cope with the concept that the people in America in 1500 may have included millions of Norse Christians. The English came promising to convert Americans to be Christians. They did not expect to find Norse Christians setting on the richest land.
Lee's conclusions need to be updated because of further research:
1. The Long houses were built between 0 and 500 (carbon dating), which would indicate a northern European culture, probably Danes, coming to harvest seal oil. (Movat, Farfarer.)
2. The Long houses were revisited in the 1350-1400 period (Carbon data), which coincides with the Lenape Migration. The upper layer of artifacts was probably Norse, not Thule.
BTW some authorities think the Thule were descended from Norse. Fifty eight percent (58%) of modern Thule men cannot be separated by Y-chromosome from men in 12 Northern European countries.
3. Evidence of holes inside the stone walls indicate that the roofs were arched vs gabled. Arched roofs require less timber mass and all of the long houses were above the timber line.
4. Photographic evidence indicates that the cairns held up food storage granaries. True they were placed in strategic places but they were granaries. In the Sagas Leif's men found a "granary" but nobody near it.
5. Their report supports the hypothesis that the granaries were built during the Coppper Trade, 4200 to 3200 years ago when the miners walked into Lake Superior when the ice would make traveling possible.
The Lenape Epic and the Frozen Trail to Merica cover these details and more.
On Jan 8, 2012, at 7:35 AM, Tom Thowsen wrote:
Memorial to THOMAS E. LEE
[After you read the synopsis, which has been revised to reflect modern knowledge, click (or touch) on Tony Lanzelo to view the VIKING VISITORS.]
[After you read the synopsis, which has been revised to reflect modern knowledge, click (or touch) on Tony Lanzelo to view the VIKING VISITORS.]
This film of Lee's research was suppressed for 31 years.
This film of Lee's research was suppressed for 31 years.
The value of Thomas E. Lee's research is priceless. Misguided people with the Eurocentric Paradigm entrenched in their heads did not think so. Thomas E. Lee was driven from the archaeological society and his attempts to publish were suppressed.
Fortunately, the outstanding archaeology reports of Thomas E, Lee were still in the university library. The reports provided evidence that the oldest American history, the Maalan Aarum (a.k.a. Walam Olum) was valid.
Because the Maalan Aarum was valid, a method to decipher the oldest American history was found after an extensive search.
Because the Maalan Aarum could be deciphered two of the three
modern books based on the Maalan Aarum were written. [The first book, Genesis, Chapters 1-8, was originated by the first authors of the Bible. Genesis was published for mass distribution via the printing press as the King James Bible in 1625, which was 500 years after the Maalan Aarum was in mass distribution in America via the media of Drottkvaett stanzas keyed to pictographs.]
Because the Frozen Trail to Merica books were written, a hypothesis was formed that the Norse Christian Lenape were Christian.
Because of the hypothesis, the Maalan Aarum was deciphered even more. Then the two stanzas about Roman Catholic Bishops were found.
Because the Frozen Trail to Merica books were read by interested readers, evidence and testimony accumulated. One element of evidence was a map drawn by the French, which was based on their 17th century knowledge. The map confirmed the vast land area that the Norse Christian Lenape and associated tribes occupied in North America at year 1700.
Years of unbelief by university historians, which still exists, might have melted away if the Thomas E. Lee film could have been shown.
Now the powerful evidence testimony of Thomas E, Lee's film may give the migration of the Norse Christian Lenape the support needed.
Fortunately, the outstanding archaeology reports of Thomas E, Lee were still in the university library. The reports provided evidence that the oldest American history, the Maalan Aarum (a.k.a. Walam Olum) was valid.
Because the Maalan Aarum was valid, a method to decipher the oldest American history was found after an extensive search.
Because the Maalan Aarum could be deciphered two of the three
modern books based on the Maalan Aarum were written. [The first book, Genesis, Chapters 1-8, was originated by the first authors of the Bible. Genesis was published for mass distribution via the printing press as the King James Bible in 1625, which was 500 years after the Maalan Aarum was in mass distribution in America via the media of Drottkvaett stanzas keyed to pictographs.]
Because the Frozen Trail to Merica books were written, a hypothesis was formed that the Norse Christian Lenape were Christian.
Because of the hypothesis, the Maalan Aarum was deciphered even more. Then the two stanzas about Roman Catholic Bishops were found.
Because the Frozen Trail to Merica books were read by interested readers, evidence and testimony accumulated. One element of evidence was a map drawn by the French, which was based on their 17th century knowledge. The map confirmed the vast land area that the Norse Christian Lenape and associated tribes occupied in North America at year 1700.
Years of unbelief by university historians, which still exists, might have melted away if the Thomas E. Lee film could have been shown.
Now the powerful evidence testimony of Thomas E, Lee's film may give the migration of the Norse Christian Lenape the support needed.
Comments by two other authors may apply to Lee's situation:
Jerry H. Bentley wrote in 2005:
"A fast-growing body of scholarship reflects increasing awareness that Eurocentric assumptions have profoundly influenced and distorted historians' understanding of the modern world both in Europe and beyond."
(Beyond Modernocentrism, in Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World, which was edited by Victory H. Mair, 2005)
Earl Shorris wrote in his book, The Death of the Great Spirit, 1978, “The suppression of the true history of America is one of the more exquisite works of human society:”
The modern suppression of Lee is only one of the recent known actions of the exquisite works . If you request, I will provide references for others.
The exquisite works has made early American history a MYTH for five centuries.
Because the exquisite works caused the suppression of Lee, thirty one (31) years of high school students in every school in North America graduated without learning the true history of America.
.Norse were in America early, nearly everywhere, and Norse Christian Lenape were on the Atlantic shores, when the English invaded.
Some of those graduates are now teaching history, some are writing history curriculum, some are publishing history text books, and others are composing the "standardized" tests for this cycle of students.
.Norse were in America early, nearly everywhere, and Norse Christian Lenape were on the Atlantic shores, when the English invaded.
Some of those graduates are now teaching history, some are writing history curriculum, some are publishing history text books, and others are composing the "standardized" tests for this cycle of students.
The exquisite works continues to suppress.
Thomas E. Lee wanted EVERYONE to know true history.
Do YOU believe American history should be suppressed?
In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth.
(Genesis 1 v1)
1. Sayewi talli wemiguma wokgetaki,
And the earth was without form and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep;
and the spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters.
2. Hackung kwelik owanaku wak yutali Kitanitowit-essop.
and the spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters.
2. Hackung kwelik owanaku wak yutali Kitanitowit-essop.

And God Said, "Let their be light."
And there was light."
And there was light."
And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the
day, and the lessor light to rule the night: he made the stars also. (Genesis 1 v17)
5. Sohalawak gishuk nipahum alankwak
5. Sohalawak gishuk nipahum alankwak give light onto the
earth: and to rule over the day and the night, and to divide the light from the
darkness: and God saw it was good. (Genesis 1 v17-18)
6. Wemi-sohalawak yulikyuchaan.
(At this stanza I realized the Bible had the correct English version of the pictographs. So I stopped translating from Lenape (Old Norse) to English. Viewers are encouraged to make their own comparison between the pictograph and an English Bible.)
6. Wemi-sohalawak yulikyuchaan.
(At this stanza I realized the Bible had the correct English version of the pictographs. So I stopped translating from Lenape (Old Norse) to English. Viewers are encouraged to make their own comparison between the pictograph and an English Bible.)
9. Lappinup Kitanitowit manito
13. Namesik milap, tulpewik milap, awesik milap, cholensak milap.
14. Makimani shak sohalawak makowini nakowak amangamek.
15. Sohalawak uchewak, sohalawak pungusak.
16. Nitisak wemi owini w'delisinewuap
22. Mattalogas pallalogas
maktaton owagan payat-chik yutali.
The tribes that may have evolved from the Norse Christian Lenape migration.
The map above depicts some of the tribes that may have evolved or had been in significant inter-marital relationships with the Norse Christian Lenape. Other major tribes may have had similar values. There were many names for sub-tribes that are not shown.
This is a listing of the tribes that evolved before the European invasions. The Delaware tribe is not shown shown on the map because the first generation of the Delaware were bastard children of Lenape women, who were either raped or forced into sex by Lord de la Warr III's men during the five year war of extermination from 1610 to 1614.
Irregular armed incursions into Lenape villages, rape, and enslavement continued until the Virginia Company failed in 1619. Sometime shortly after that English law in America proclaimed that the Lenape, who where already living by Christian ethics, could never become Christian.
Shortly after 1620 the word "Delaware" began to be used in all English documents referring to the Lenape. About eighty years before the French put onto their maps; "Christinaux," (Chistians) "Asslenipoils," (Our pure father of light) and the "river of the Divine" of the "Il-Len-ois" (the pure ones), the Lenape (Abide with the pure), who had not yet been slaughtered or raped,were being recorded in English history with the word "Delaware."
At that time, the people in England knew the Delaware were people, who had been overcome by Lord de la Warr's men. Why bother to explain the word "Lenape," which might make someone wonder why the English men sent to convert Christians had killed and raped Christians?
All tribal names that have the "len" (or "lin") syllable are considered to be Norse Christian Lenape, because the syllable means, "pure" as in "baptized to be pure." The names Asslenipolls, Ilinois, and "Inuit" evolved from the Norse Christian Lenape.
This is a listing of the tribes that evolved before the European invasions. The Delaware tribe is not shown shown on the map because the first generation of the Delaware were bastard children of Lenape women, who were either raped or forced into sex by Lord de la Warr III's men during the five year war of extermination from 1610 to 1614.
Irregular armed incursions into Lenape villages, rape, and enslavement continued until the Virginia Company failed in 1619. Sometime shortly after that English law in America proclaimed that the Lenape, who where already living by Christian ethics, could never become Christian.
Shortly after 1620 the word "Delaware" began to be used in all English documents referring to the Lenape. About eighty years before the French put onto their maps; "Christinaux," (Chistians) "Asslenipoils," (Our pure father of light) and the "river of the Divine" of the "Il-Len-ois" (the pure ones), the Lenape (Abide with the pure), who had not yet been slaughtered or raped,were being recorded in English history with the word "Delaware."
At that time, the people in England knew the Delaware were people, who had been overcome by Lord de la Warr's men. Why bother to explain the word "Lenape," which might make someone wonder why the English men sent to convert Christians had killed and raped Christians?
All tribal names that have the "len" (or "lin") syllable are considered to be Norse Christian Lenape, because the syllable means, "pure" as in "baptized to be pure." The names Asslenipolls, Ilinois, and "Inuit" evolved from the Norse Christian Lenape.
This map provides a framework for closer study of the relationship between the American tribes and the Norse Christian Lenape, who walked away from Greenland.
The Christinaux were, and still are, Christians.
The Blackfeet values included selflessness, courage, and a belief that adultery was a serious sin. The Norse Christian Lenape, who understood the Ten Commandments, shared all .
The Blackfeet did not use "R" in their language. The Lenape used very few "R" words.
The parents passed the Norse Christian Lenape faith of the Blackfeet from generation to generation. After the European invasion, the faith of the Blackfeet parents defeated major attempts by the Jesuits and the Methodists to convert the Blackfeet to European style Christianity.
Which faith is best? Roman 11 33 says, "How unsearchable are his [God's] judgement."
The Blackfeet did not use "R" in their language. The Lenape used very few "R" words.
The parents passed the Norse Christian Lenape faith of the Blackfeet from generation to generation. After the European invasion, the faith of the Blackfeet parents defeated major attempts by the Jesuits and the Methodists to convert the Blackfeet to European style Christianity.
Which faith is best? Roman 11 33 says, "How unsearchable are his [God's] judgement."
The Asslenipolls, (our father of light) had beliefs similar to those found in John's gospel, where Jesus said, "I am the light of the world." Many of the tribes shown still call the sun "Jesus."
The Cheyenne had a legal system similar to the legal system of the Norse on Iceland. The Cheyenne verbal history tells of the Cheyenne turning west, when the rest of the Lenape crossed the Mississippi going east. The Cheyenne leaders sensed an increased risk that they may not be able to "abide with the pure." toward the east.
[Later events were not kind to the Cheyenne. Twice, at Black Kettle and Sand Creek, they attempted to remove their people from the danger of warfare. Twice, by Colorado Militia and by the US army led by Custer, they were massacred.
A still remembered incident during those massacres is the EurAmerican men using a waddling American child for target practice.
The Cheyenne tried to live in a remote peaceful place one more time. Custer led the US Army in the attack on the camp of women and children.]
[Later events were not kind to the Cheyenne. Twice, at Black Kettle and Sand Creek, they attempted to remove their people from the danger of warfare. Twice, by Colorado Militia and by the US army led by Custer, they were massacred.
A still remembered incident during those massacres is the EurAmerican men using a waddling American child for target practice.
The Cheyenne tried to live in a remote peaceful place one more time. Custer led the US Army in the attack on the camp of women and children.]
The first French men into the Illinois River valley recorded that the Illini lived on the "River of the Devine."
In 1682 the Lenape, who are recorded as Delaware, signed a treaty with William Penn. Penn, a Quaker said,
“We meet on the broad pathway of good faith and good-will; no advantage shall be taken on either side, but all shall be openness and love. We are the same as if one man’s body was to be divided into two parts; we are of one flesh and one blood.”
Tamanend III, a Lenape leader, replied:
“We will live in love with William Penn and his children as long as the creeks and rivers run, and while the sun, moon, and stars endure.”
John Penn, William's grandson, was born in London, England forty-seven years later (1729). The Church of England nurtured his faith.
John Penn was serving as governor of the Penn inheritance in 1763, when a mob from Paxton, Pennsylvania massacred 20 Lenape at Conestoga, PN. John Penn's attempts to bring justice upon the Paxton Boys were weak. No member of the Paxton Boys was convicted. The leader died as an American patriot.
The Lenape had abided with the pure [Quakers] for eighty-one years. The Conestoga massacre was a stunning signal that the invaders of America wanted "one man’s body [USA] to be divided into two parts; we are [not yet] of one flesh and one blood.”
In 1682 the Lenape, who are recorded as Delaware, signed a treaty with William Penn. Penn, a Quaker said,
“We meet on the broad pathway of good faith and good-will; no advantage shall be taken on either side, but all shall be openness and love. We are the same as if one man’s body was to be divided into two parts; we are of one flesh and one blood.”
Tamanend III, a Lenape leader, replied:
“We will live in love with William Penn and his children as long as the creeks and rivers run, and while the sun, moon, and stars endure.”
John Penn, William's grandson, was born in London, England forty-seven years later (1729). The Church of England nurtured his faith.
John Penn was serving as governor of the Penn inheritance in 1763, when a mob from Paxton, Pennsylvania massacred 20 Lenape at Conestoga, PN. John Penn's attempts to bring justice upon the Paxton Boys were weak. No member of the Paxton Boys was convicted. The leader died as an American patriot.
The Lenape had abided with the pure [Quakers] for eighty-one years. The Conestoga massacre was a stunning signal that the invaders of America wanted "one man’s body [USA] to be divided into two parts; we are [not yet] of one flesh and one blood.”
The Mohicans retained a version of the Ten Commandments.
The descendants of the EurAmericans, who replaced the Lenape, remember the Lenape with fondness. The Boy Scouts created the Order of the Arrow in recognition of the Leni Lenape, who serve as a moral example to guide young men.
Do you believe in the suppression of the true history of America.
TAG! You are it. Do something!
Do you believe in the suppression of the true history of America.
TAG! You are it. Do something!
Grose Ventre,
Reider T. Sherwin was a Norwegian, who grew up on a remote island in Norway.
His first language was a dialect of Old Norse.
Sherwin came to Northeast America as a young man. When he and his friends went touring, he discovered that the signs naming places used the same words that he would have used.
His first language was a dialect of Old Norse.
Sherwin came to Northeast America as a young man. When he and his friends went touring, he discovered that the signs naming places used the same words that he would have used.
Sherwin became focused on finding out if the Indian names were really Old Norse names.
Then he became focused on original word lists from 25 tribes that were written down by eighteen translators.
Sherwin would search for words that had similar sounds and meanings in the different tribes. When he found two tribes, or more, with words having the same sounds and meanings, then he would try to find an Old Norse phrase that also had the same sounds and meanings.
In 1940 he published his first book “The Viking and the Red Man” in the prelude to World War II. In that book he had over 2500 comparisons between the Algonquin (Lenape) words and Old Norse.
Then he became focused on original word lists from 25 tribes that were written down by eighteen translators.
Sherwin would search for words that had similar sounds and meanings in the different tribes. When he found two tribes, or more, with words having the same sounds and meanings, then he would try to find an Old Norse phrase that also had the same sounds and meanings.
![]() |
VIKING and the RED MAN MAP, where Americans spoke Norse, 1,000 years ago. |
Through out World War II Sherwin, who was retired, kept his focus. For sixteen more years he compared Algonquin (Lenape) words and Old Norse phrases until he had eight volumes under the same name and over 15,000 comparisons of Algonquin (Lenape) words and Old Norse.
In his forth volume, Sherwin wrote the forward himself and said, “The Algonquin Indian Language is Old Norse.” A few lines later he wrote “… the truth cannot be denied.”
But the truth and Sherwin
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was the origin of the ALGONQUIN INDIAN LANGUAGE,
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.was the origin of the ALGONQUIN INDIAN LANGUAGE,
put your name in the COMMENTS.
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